Our business exit process

Our business exit process

When a purchaser is doing a valuation, their due diligence process will involve a forensic examination of every aspect of your business. They are looking for unrealised potential and any problem areas that can drive down value or eliminate interest. They’re also looking for pressure points they can exploit to drive the valuation down through this process. For this reason, our methods are designed for viewing and evaluating your business through the same prism as those who may acquire your business.


Whereas most business exit solutions focus on the financials, our process is designed to see your whole business. We use a multi-disciplined approach to drill down into every aspect of your business, from financial, legal, brand and sales perspectives. This process then creates a valuation based on current market benchmarks and provides a road map where the biggest gains can be achieved within the agreed timeline for the exit. Another feature of this process is to align your expectations with where your business is today and what could be achieved through investment in the right areas.


The Exit By Design road map defines timelines, KPIs, and investment requirements to maximise your business's value at exit. It will also take into consideration the specific cultural and personal goals you may want to include as part of your exit (e.g., retention of staff). The road map will outline agreed milestones and actions that need to be taken by your Exit By Design team and your organisation. Its goal is to remove any potential friction points or red flags that may prohibit a successful exit. 


Some aspects of your road map will happen as projects (e.g., valuation of legal structures and ownership, preparation, and negation for sale), whereas other components will be ongoing until exit (e.g., marketing, project management). Resources will be allocated as agreed, with reporting separated by standard business requirements and confidential exit communications. Your Exit By Design members will be available to support you through the process and answer any questions you may have along the way..


Although there will be an agreed exit timeline, the goal is to have the fundamentals of a successful exit prepared well ahead of time. Our experience has shown us that opportunities can arise through our process ahead of the agreed exit time, which is why it's essential to be prepared. It is not an imperative that you act on these opportunities; however, we would like to be in the best position to make these choices and act promptly.


The very nature of business is that conditions change. Those changes may be emerging challenges or opportunities. They could also be personal. Although our process is built around a pre-aligned plan, there is flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances.


What makes Exit By Design unique is that our process uses digital communication to attract greater interest from potential purchasers. Unlike many business-exit services, we don't depend on existing networks alone as a way of driving interest. We know that that approach is too limiting. We also don't announce that your business is for sale, as that rarely attracts the right type of purchaser. Instead, we evaluate the market and identify opportunities to increase awareness and reputation for your business in spaces where organisations start their searches for potential acquisitions. Our process is designed to look like 'business as usual' for a dynamic, growing business when in reality, we are also creating a sales pitch for serious contenders.


Many organisations and individuals who may want to purchase your business either have their own mergers and acquisitions teams or engage these professional services. Nowadays, almost all these professionals start their searches online, investigating every potential acquisition and making shortlists for their employers. Their process usually begins by evaluating all competitors in a particular space. They compare each organisation's digital touchpoints to build an understanding of reputation, connectivity, scalability, and technical understanding. They will read customer reviews, search social media, news, your website, and anything else they can readily access online to form an option for your business. If they are not motivated by what they see, they will move on to their next target. This process is why communication is at the heart of our Exit By Design process. 


Our 'pull' approach has the capacity to attract a more diverse and more extensive group of potential acquirers of your business. Once a potential has been identified, there will be a due diligence process. However, before this begins, the process must be legally secure, preventing any information provided from being exploited by the other parties. Our legal team will prepare you for this process and (in conjunction with our financial team and project manager) work with you to manage the negotiations. This support is essential, as those sitting on the other side of the table will be experienced negotiators in the mergers and acquisition space, and you will need an experienced team to balance that process.


The final stages in this process, where terms and payment are agreed upon, are possibly the most challenging to negotiate. Agreements can fall apart due to a misalignment of understanding or goals between both parties. It is why the Exit By Design team is involved in every discussion and works directly with you to support you to the end of the sale process… and beyond.


Once an agreement is signed, the next phase is to announce this to your team. This is often the most emotional aspect of the process and requires an agreed communication strategy that allays fears and builds confidence in the future. This process is necessary, whether you're personally exiting tomorrow or if you will have a staged and agreed exit time in the future. This communication strategy may also extend to your client base and the market.


For most business owners, exiting is the most challenging and high-stakes business process they will ever undertake. Many business owners will have no previous experience in this process, which is why they are supported by a professional, experienced team with a 'whole of business' understanding. Exit By Design was created to guide you through the exit process, ensuring that nothing is left to chance and that every opportunity is fully realised. Our process provides knowledge, experience, security and a 'safe harbour' for any mid-sized business owner wanting a successful and smooth business exit.
